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This is not like any ordinary spray tan! Treat yourself to a customized, healthy glow where you are evenly tan and do not feel orange. All products used are violet based and leave you with a bronzed tan.


Leading up to your appointment you'll want to be applying lotion and hydrating your skin. The night before you come in you'll want to make sure you shave and exfoliate. When coming to your appointment wear no lotion or deodorant as well as makeup. Bring or wear dark, loose clothes that cover your body and that you are ok staying in before rinsing. Once you arrive we can go over what exact color you desire. There are so many different tan level options that are all determined on the length of time before you shower. From there I’ll have you get undressed to your comfort level. I will put a head cap over your hair, foot pads on your feet and  barrier cream on your hands. I’ll also have nostril plugs if desired. This will ensure you no unwanted areas will be sprayed.


From here we begin the actual spray tanning. I’ll guide you in different positions that will make sure we are covering your body evenly. I will then dry you and then remove the barrier cream. You may then get dressed, and TA DA, you’re a golden goddess! 

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